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FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 - Printable Version

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FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 - Varanon - 03-09-2016

Welcome to Task Tracker 3.0

This new version is now included into your mission as a function library.

To use it, add the following lines to your description.ext:

class CfgFunctions
   #include "functions\fhq_common.hpp"

Note that some other addons might also add functions of their own, if they provide a hpp file, it must be included in a similar way.

The basic operation remains the same as in the original FHQ Task Tracker. There a re few subtle changes:

First of all, since it's a function library, you no longer need to execute the fhqtt2.sqf script. The function library automatically initializes, you don't need to do anything. Secondly, the naming of functions changed slightly. Where a function was called FHQ_TT_setTaskState in the old tracker, the new one names it FHQ_fnc_ttSetTaskState.

The format of the actual Task and Briefing descriptions remained the same. See the provided briefing.sqf for an example briefing (Including a way to create links in the player's chosen highlight color).

Documentation for the individual functions is provided in the usual way as comments at the beginning of the scripts. To read them, select the function viewer in Eden, select missionConfigFile in the box on the top left, and select FHQ as category, and Task Tracker as subcategory (the Task Tracker Internal subcategory is of no use for the mission developer, it's purely internal functions that can change at any time).

Have fun, and any questions I'll gladly answer

Re: FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 - treendy - 03-20-2016


Is it possible to get a briefing to only show on one specified client?

I have set the ID of the player to pCommand, and below is my failed attempt (I will upgrade to FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 soon)

waituntil {player == player };    

_playerName = format["%1",player]; 
if (_playerName == "pCommand") then {
    publicVariable "sBreifing";
    [west,["Mission", sBreifing]] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing;


Re: FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 - Varanon - 03-20-2016

(03-20-2016, 11:05 AM)treendy link Wrote:
waituntil {player == player };   

_playerName = format["%1",player]; 
if (_playerName == "pCommand") then {
   publicVariable "sBreifing";
   [west,["Mission", sBreifing]] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing;

It's possible, yes, but this will never work, since on a dedicated server, there is no player.

Remember that you can put code into the filter field which is evaluated for each client, and only added when the expression evaluates to true. So in your case:
[{pCommand == _this} ,["Mission", sBreifing]] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing;
I assume that pCommand is a variable name entered into the appropriate field of one unit ?

Re: FHQ Task Tracker 3.0 - treendy - 03-20-2016

perfect, thank you

Yes its the variable name.  will give that a try later after tonights Coop night