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Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Printable Version

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Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 03-21-2015

This is episode 12.

Elements of the newly formed NAR forces called Freedom Fighters have to rescue a NATO SF squad and escape.

Mission type: Infiltration, Convoy, fire from vehicles
Terrain: Afgan Village
Required: @CUP, @FATA, @ASDg_JR, @CAF

Download: a zip file containing following episodes: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

All tested fully or partially on dedicated.

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Variable - 03-22-2015

Why partially tested?

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 03-23-2015

We died too early Smile

Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Variable - 03-23-2015

Have you fully tested it on a dedicated environment as per Outlawz' guide?
Coop nights are not a test bed.

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Varanon - 03-23-2015

Add cheats to your mission, or test the framework before adding enemies, that will ensure that the mission works at least in principle

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 03-23-2015

Yup, thanks Varanon, i did those kind of tests Wink

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Alwarren - 05-08-2015

After playing this mission, I have to say I liked it for the firefights and the rather nerve-wrecking drive to extraction.

I would, however, generally recommend to cut back on the special effects and the like in your missions, Alias. It feels like there is (at least for my taste) a bit too much spectacle in them, too many flares, too many earthquakes, etc. For example, I liked that mission of yours (Can't remember the name) were we had to kill the convoy and bug out, but I thought that the meteoroids were just too much, and that is how I generally feel about these special FX. Hundreds of flares falling from the sky, it just feels overloaded.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the missions are bad, they aren't, and I really enjoyed them. I just would cut down on the spectacle, that's all.

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 05-08-2015

Copy that AL, thank you for feed-back Wink. 
I'll rework this mission.

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 05-08-2015

This is the loadout script i used for BLUFOR units. For some strange reason removes medikit from medic and toolkit from engineer.

Can you tell why? Cuz i can't Smile Thank you!

if ((side _x == west) and (!loadp) and (local _x)) then
_isHandled = _x getVariable "loadout";
if (isNil "_isHandled") then
removeAllItems _x;
_x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
_x removeItem "NVGoggles";
removeHeadgear _x;
removeGoggles _x;

_x addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B";

_x linkItem "ItemGPS";
_x setVariable ["loadout", 1, true];
} foreach allunits;

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Varanon - 05-08-2015

removeAllItems _x;

Sure way of removing, well, all items, like medikits, toolkits and FAKs

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - alias - 05-08-2015

Thanks Varanon. Makes perfect sense.
In my head items were only the watch, compass, gps...
Works fine now.

Re: Freedom Fighters COOP 15 - Varanon - 05-08-2015

The command you're looking for, then, is removeAllAssignedItems