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Full Version: [CiA] OFP Server : Addons Setup Guide / Required Addons
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Updated 180609
This is a simple guide on how to install OFP with Finmod the right way, but still have a "vanilla" OFP installation.
This way you still will be able to play on other servers with different addons.

The best way is to start with a new clean install of OFP.
Since you will need Resistance (Res) or GOTY (Game of the year) editions to play online I will cover only those. If you have tried/ used a lot of different addons in your ofp addon folder I suggest you reinstall the game to clean it.

Done? OK, your game is now version 1.75, and it's time to patch it to version 1.96.
Download the correct patch for your OFP from here: [blue]BIS download
[red]NOTE: There are different patches for Res and GOTY and for Polish and Czech versions. Be sure to use the right ones.[/red]

[b]Download & install Finmod and all needed addons
Download the complete [blue]CiA FDF installer
Run the installer from/ browse to your main Operation Flashpoint directory and hit [b][OK]
This will make a clean new install of both finmod and all needed addons.
Use the supplied shortcut (edit path to game if necessary), or go to desktop, make a copy of your Flashpoint Resistance shortcut. Rightclick on your new copy and add the following in the target area (or copy and paste the WHOLE line below):
-nomap -nosplash -mod=finmod;@CiA

[red]Important: DELETE your old finmod and CiA folders if you have such directories before installing.[/red]
Note: some Anti Virus program might report [i]fdfmod.exe as Trojan, that is NOT the case. File is completely safe but you can delete it as we don't use it.

That's all folks!

Update: [blue][b]Fixed version of Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers.
This fix will get rid of the KEGSW44 error, extract file to [b]OFPdir\finmod\addons
(rename/ backup originals).

- or do it the old fashion way -

Download & install Finmod
Download [blue] FDF 1.3, [blue]FDF mod 1.4 Patch, [blue][b]FDF Desert Pack, [blue][b]FDF Winter Maldevic, [blue][b]FDF Suursaari, [blue][b]
Kegetys' russian weapon pack 1.1
, [blue][b]Winter Nogojev 1.1, [blue][b]Kegetys' Smith & Wesson Revolvers, [blue][b]MT-LB.

Remember what OFP version u have (under Program Files\Codemasters\)?
If you have the old Resistance pack your directory is named [b]OperationFlashpoint .
If you have GOTY version it is called Operation Flashpoint.
From now on I will call it OFPdir. This is important as it is where your finmod installation must be installed.

Install FDF 1.3
Extract FDF 1.4 Patch in your OFPdir (YES, you shall overwrite files)
Extract FDF_desert_pack.rar to OFPdir\
Extract fdf_winter_maldevic.rar to OFPdir\
Extract to OFPdir\finmod\addons
Extract to OFPdir\finmod\addons
Extract to OFPdir\finmod\addons
Extract to OFPdir\finmod\addons
Extract to OFPdir\finmod\addons

[red]WARNING: Do NOT rename the finmod folder, the mod won't work if you do[/red]

Download & install addons
Download [blue]BAS Choppers, Deltas & Rangers Units and Tonal Islands and [b][blue]Trinity Island

Make a new folder in your OFPdir. Name it @CiA, and inside you make a new folder called addons.
Extract BAS Choppers, Deltas & Rangers Units and Tonal Islands and Trinity Island to your OFPdir\@CiA\addons

Make shortcut
Go to desktop and make a copy of your Flashpoint Resistance shortcut.
Rightclick on it and add the following in the target area:  -nomap -nosplash -mod=finmod;@CiA
There must be a [red]s p a c e [/red]behind the last [red]"[/red]

Rename your new shortcut to e.g CiA
Doubleclick on it and Viola

If you still aren't able to play try this [blue]AddonChecker and check your addons.
It can be a bit tricky to use but basically you need to check all your active mod-folders and see if one or more addons still are missing. According to the above setup you must check the folloving directorys: OFPdir\finmod\, OFPdir\Res\ and OFPdir\@CiA\. Remember, it's only if the same addon is missing in all 3 folders u need to reinstall it.